Age Benefit
Benefit on age grounds is paid when the member is 50 years of age, but it can be claimed before then as a “retirement benefit” if the member is at least 45 years of age and has retired from regular employment or become self-employed. A member’s age is normally determined – in the absence of any documentary proof – by the employer, but, if there is any dispute et. as to age, the Chief Executive Officer is given authority to decide a member’s date of birth for the purpose of any benefit. If a member, having qualified for age benefit at 50 years, continues to work, Provident Fund contributes are payable by his employer and he builds up credits afresh. He must wait two years, however, before claiming a benefit again.
- Claimant must be at least 50 years of age.
- All claims paid to members who have reached the age of 50 years are age claims irrespective of whether the member is retiring or still working.
- Positive identity document (Eswatini travel document or ENPF Card) the Eswatini travel document must have the claimant’s correct graded tax number and must be valid.
- Graded Tax certificate.
- Marriage Certificate (for female members who got married after joining the Fund).
- Bank Statement.
- Birth certificate
Emigration Benefit
If a member satisfies the Chief Executive Officer that he is about to emigrate, or has emigrated from Eswatini with no intention of returning to the Kingdom, an emigration benefit is payable without regard to age.
Claiming Requirements:
- Permanent Residence Permit or Citizenship Certificate of new country.
- Marriage certificate suffices in the case of a female member emigrating on account of marriage
- Graded Tax certificate
- Employer’s letter confirming termination of services.
- Bank statement
- Eswatini Travel Document or ENPF identify card.
- Birth certificate
Early Retirement Benefit
Benefit on early retirement grounds is paid when the member is 45 years of age and has retired from regular employment or become self-employed. A member’s age is normally determined – in the absence of any documentary proof – by the employer, but, if there is any dispute et. as to age, the Chief Executive Officer is given authority to decide a member’s date of birth for the purpose of any benefit.
Claiming Requirements:
- Claimant must be at least 45 years of age.
- Claimant must have retired from regular wage-earning employment.
- Letter from employer confirming retirement or self-employment proof e.g. trading licence.
- Travel document or ENPF identity card.
- Graded Tax certificate.
- Marriage Certificate (for female members who got married after joining the Fund).
- Bank Statement.
- Birth certificate
Disability Benefit
Benefits can be paid to a member who has the misfortune to become permanently unemployable through physical or mental disability; incapacity for work is assessed having regard to medical factors. There are no age requirements.
Claiming Requirements
- Doctor’s medical report (confirming the member’s incapacity to continue with gainful employment as a result of the accident or sickness.
- Graded Tax certificate
- Travel document or ENPF identity card.
- Bank statement
- Letter from employer confirming retirement.
- Doctor’s medical report (confirming the member’s incapacity to continue with gainful employment as a result of the mental illness)
- Graded Tax certificate.
- Guardian’s Eswatini Travel Document or ENPF identity card.
- Bank Statement
- Declaration by uMgijimi or iNdvuna or Chief.
Survivor's Benefit
If a member dies before qualifying for a personal benefit, the amount in his benefits account is available to surviving members of his family as a survivor’s benefit. Such a benefit is payable in accordance with the provisions of the ENPF Order No. 23 of 1974.
Claiming Requirements
- Declaration by Umgijimi or Indvuna or Chief.
- Declaration by member of the deceased member’s family.
- Death certificate.
- Birth certificate (where children are involved).
- Graded Tax certificate.
- Marriage Certificate (for female members who got married after joining the Fund).
- Bank Statement.
- Birth certificate
Member Forms
- Age Benefit Requirements - Checklist (pdf)
- Disability Benefit Requirements - Checklist (pdf)
- Early Retirement Benefit Requirement - Checklist(pdf)
- Emigration Benefit Requirements - Checklist (pdf)
- Funeral Claim Requirements - Checklist (pdf)
- Mental Disability Benefit - Checklist (pdf)
- Nomination Form (pdf)
- Physical Disability Benefit - Checklist (pdf)
- Retirement Benefit - Checklist (pdf)
- Survivor Benefits Requirements (pdf)
- Voluntary Registration Form (pdf)
NB: Once form is downloaded, visit the nearest service centre for help as it differs case by case.

Our Locations
- Mbabane (Dlanubeka House)
- Mankayane (D.C Offices)
- Siteki
- Piggs Peak
- More
Contact Info
- Lidlelantfongeni Building Corner Martin & Ngwane Street, Manzini
- (+268) 2508 2000
- Mon - Thurs 08:00 - 16:45
- Friday 08:00 - 16:30
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